Thursday 11 November 2010

Trailer Inspiration

This is the trailer for 'Vacancy' and I have included it because I like the use of fast cuts and sound throughout.  The sound is very effective with the trailer because it sets and follows the trailer's mood.  At 1:00 a heartbeat becomes heard and continues through several scene cuts.  At 1:28 the sound gains tempo and volume, this creates suspence because it leaves the audience on edge waiting for something to happen, this music continues to gain tempo untill it suddenly stops when Luke Wilson is on the telephone.

This is the trailer for 'Disturbia', I have included it because I was inspired by the way hands come from off screen and grab the male protagonist's shoulder at 1:58.  This is effective because the music leads up to a climax that takes place during this action, accompanied by a scream from the character being grabbed.

This is Halloween 2 (remake series) trailer which I found very inspirational at the begining, from 0:20 - 0:35 there are multiple fast cuts which our group has encorporated into our Teaser Trailer.

This is the trailer to 'Let Me In', we have used what is shown from 1:17 - 1:24 in our Teaser Trailer, the use of the camera movement that is put into a sequence.  The way in which the camera movement was cut to and from with other parts of the film inbetween cuts was used very effectively because it created suspense and gives the viewer a sense of fear to what it is building up to.  We hoped the use of this in our Teaser Trailer would create the same effect.

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