Monday 8 November 2010

Poster Inspiration

This is a poster for 'The Collector' that I feel is effective because it introduces the main character.  The poster has 'From The Writers Of Saw IV, V & VI on it for synergy.  It has a shot that shows the antagonist in focus and the background is a symetrical building slightly out of focus which draws your attention to the killer, while keeping you aware of the yellow effect the lighting causes around him.  The poster also has the movie's website at the bottom for curious members of the audience.

These are posters for 'Halloween' and 'Halloween 2', they are very effective because the lighting is somewhat minimal, especially in the first poster, They are dark posters, which compliments the genre of film they are.  Both posters have the Director's name on them, 'Rob Zombies' and 'A Rob Zombie Film'.  The second poster is effective because it is similar to the first one but has an action shot of the killer, and has the date of release.

This poster for 'Silent Hill' utilises the use of Chiaroscuro (contrast between light and dark) to create an ominous effect.

The two posters for 'The Strangers' are really effective for different reasons.  Although I feel the first poster reveals too much, by showing all the antagonists, I think it works well beacuse it shows the two main protagonists, has a quote from the film; 'Because You Were Home' and has the actors names above them on the poster which would have caused synergy.  The second poster shows a shot from the film and conveys the brown/yellow lighting that is portrayed throught the whole film.

All the above posters are similar due to lighting, the lighting in them all is minimal, they all use Chiaroscuro to create an effect.

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