Monday 8 November 2010

The Shining

One of the successes of 'The Shining' is that it creates a 'Phycological Horror' encorperating aspects of 'Thriller' by using a familiar idyllic setting in which we assosiate with a holiday, e.g. a hotel in the mountains, in the snow, beautiful and picturesque.  Then allows something horrorific and disturbing to happen, something that is 'unthinkable': a father turning on his family.  'The Shining' is an 'Ultimate Horror' that is 'Thriller' based.  Another 'unthinkable' aspect of the film is that it affects a child, children are usually seen as sweet and innocent; to have a child's mind infected with the horror of what is happening and what happened in the past with the murdered twins is 'phycologically unbearable'.

Cinematography was used very successfully in many shots with the use of Symmetry.

This inspired me and when location spotting I found that the church in which we planned to film in, was symmetrically very similar.

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