Tuesday 16 November 2010

Film Idea/Synopsis


A desolate village was known for it's glorious hillside views, welcoming population and 'easy to get to' railway access in the 1970s.  It was then the mass murderous cult began their executions of any 'non-believers'.

It is said that terrifying rituals and horrific traditions take place in the village, there have been several sightings of these savage cult members but due to the stories being unconvicing, have gained very little real attention.

A group of friends arrive in the desolate area to see why it has become notoriously known as 'The Vanished Village'.  The village's only inhabitants are said to be part of a religious cult, making any visitors 'human sacrifices' for what they believe will keep their local area 'pure'.

The group of friends soon realise somthing isn't right when they encounter noone where ever they go.  The church in the local area is the only building ever open, this raises the curious teenagers' suspisions and so, they soon take a trip to see why...

On Thursday 4th April, 1974, at 4:44pm multiple calls to the police about murders in the local church were recieved by the police, this lead to the whole local police force moving into the church to arrest and question all the cult members.  This didn't go as planned, the cult members saw these raging police officers and 'non-believers' and resisted their attempts to arrest them.  Killing every last officer who had any knowledge of the reportings wasn't enough for them, they were following a prophecy that requires a high number of sacrifices for the area to remain 'pure' by Gods hand.  The cult members stormed factorys, shops and local train stations killing any one they encountered.  Not realising they were commiting homocide, not making sacrifices and that they got the date to act upon the prophecy wrong, they had acted too soon, and not accoring to the prophecy.  The cycle had come full circle; but the ritual was incomplete.  Time was reversed due to circumstantial and irregular constitution of the local area; a lapse in time.

This occurance resulted in that frightful night repeating itself annually, on the aniversary of the event.  The desperate cult members have been repeating the event in a desperate attempt to get it right and be free of their torture; being stuck in an eternal time lapse.

(Date in film: April 4th. 2010)

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