Tuesday 23 November 2010


Props we are going to use in our teaser trailer are listed below:
  • Knife
  • Blood - Red food colouring/Ribena/Fake blood
  • Hooded coat - Killer figure
  • White cloak with hood - Cult member (only used for a possible poster)]
  • Dark clothes
  • Flishing lights - Bike light/Torch
We dont have many props in our trailer because the use of sound and cinematography is what builds and releases the suspense, there is relatively little footage of people in the trailer.
We have used this structure of filming because we feel unconvincing acting will only make the teaser trailer less scary.
The lighting we are using in our teaser trailer is important, we have black and white flash back in which we hope to portray a Chiaroscuro effect, and flickering lights that will represent danger and the lapse in time that takes place in our film idea.

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