Thursday 11 November 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products - Teaser Trailer Inspiration

This post and the below two posts are my inspiration and are what I used to develop my trailer and poster.

The Strangers has a brilliant Teaser Trailer because of the excellent use of sound, the sound starts off happy, and as the images gradually become less colourful and pleasant, the music changes along side them.  The sound is consistant and is in perfect timing with the scene cuts.

This Absentia teaser trailer inspired me because is doesn't seem to be a film with a huge budget, a trailer like this can be easily made.  At 0:38 there is an effective scene in which a curtain is pushed from the side the camera cannot see, this is very easy to do, and is effective; done at the right pace, with appropriate sound along side it, this action could make the audience jump.

The voice over in this short Trailer was effective because it acted like a narrator.  The trailer got darker as it went on, creating suspense and giving the trailer a build up to the climax (end of the trailer).  There was great use off fast cuts and title screens used throughout to keep the audience glued to the screen.  The trailer gives screen shots from the film and very short clips, this gets the audience hooked and leaves them wanting more.

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