Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your Audience Feedback?

Video feedback:
(Survey at bottom of post)

Questionaire feedback:

Social (network) feedback:
From these video interviews and questionaires I have seen how far my original ideas for the teaser trailer were portrayed to the audience and how my ancillary texts link effectively to my main task.  I planned to produce a teaser trailer of a horror movie that includes a 'religious twist' to add suspence and give it 'further' horror status; my audience feedback has shown me that I have conveyed what I intended through the audience being given an extra sense of fright by the religious shots of the crucifixs, the altar, the confessions box and the body being dragged up the church isle along with the sound that plays and changes throughout to accompany each scene.

Through the audience feedback I learned the genre of 'Horror' is built up in my trailer through the sound and the transitions between shots; the way the cuts are at times fast while at other times slower and how the tempo in sound appears to follow these changes in pace creates a very 'eerie' and 'suspenseful' teaser trailer.

Target Audience:
Using family, friends and teachers from Parliament Hill, William Ellis and La Sainte Union school, I constructed a survey asking 50 people of different age groups whether or not they would go to see my 'religious horror' fil idea; the results are as follows:

40 out of the 50 people I asked said they would go and see the film after watching the teaser trailer; this survey shows that 71% of the 40 people that would go and see the film were between the ages of 25 and 45.  I believe this is because of the religious aspects of the trailer, making the film more suitable to those with an interest in religion, this survey has created a target audience of those between 25 and 45 years of age.

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We have made our main task and ancillary texts all as similar as possible; we have done this by making the poster out of edited screencaps from the trailer, and the web-page having the poster's image in the background.  This is very important because it shows proffessionality and by having them all similar looking they give off the same feel, for example, our trailer has aspects of 'religious horror' and our poster and webpage echo this effect.
Trailer Screencaps:



The shot used for the web-page is the same as the image used in our poster, this is a shot of the altar which is used in our trailer.  Our poster and web-page are both made with a main colour of red, this is used to emphasise the 'horror' genre, red being associated with blood and violence.
Our trailer is mainly filmed in a church, therefore giving it an added 'religious horror' effect; this gives our trailer an 'added spook' due to the religious aspects in it.

Due to the use of imagery throughout my Ancillary texts (web-page and poster) and Main product (teaser trailer) they are linked conceptually as they all share a very similar visual appearance.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This post shows the media technologies I used to research and plan my tearer trailer.
I used Youtube to get my Teaser Trailer and Trailer inspiration videos

iMovie is the software we are using to upload, arrange and edit our footage as well as uploading and using sound for our teaser trailer.  We have found several aspects that we could not handle too easily but after trying different things, fixed our problems.  Some examples of difficulties we found are:
  • Fades - choosing a length, this was fixed because we found that the length of a fade can only be as long as the clips either side of it.
  • Shortening clips - in order to shorten a clip a substantual amount you will need to shorten if from either side, beginning and end, only doing so from one of the sides wil result in a limit to which you can shorten a clip.
  • Tweo pieces of sound at one time - When uploading a second piece of sound u can only add it before or after an existing sound clip, in order to make two sounds play during the same time u need to upload a second sound file then drag it over the already uploaded sound file.
I used Macromedia Dreamweaver MX in year twelve to create a preliminary webpage and a final task webpage, this was incredibly helpful when using the software because I didn't have to spend time learning how to use it, I just got straight on with creating the trailer's webpage.
I made the background black, then created a layer in order to insert a picture of a church as a background image, this was fitting because most of our trailer takes place in a church.  I then created a Production Logo to insert next to a Restricted sign for the bottom of my webpage to make it look more professional.

We will be using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 to create our teaser trailer's poster, our knowledge of the programme is sufficient because our group is familiar with the programme, due to using it in other creative aspects of our Media Studies AS and A2 Course.

Adobe Photoshop is a joy to work with because of the massive changes u can make to images by click of a button, there are many editing aspects that have made our work what it is, these are:
  • The ability to change/edit lighting
  • The ability to blur, make transparent and merge images
  • The ability to crop and add images to create a desired effect
Each of these aspects of Photoshop made our poster and web-page as effective as they are; the lighting, transparency and faded images are all edited to create a more eerie feel that the original images give off.  Creating a web-page and poster to fit a Horror teaser trailer is difficult because, for them to be as proffessional as possible, you need to get the same response from each of them as you do from your trailer, that is where Photoshop excelled and made that possible for my group.

I used IMDb, International Movie Database, to find out relevant information such as, casting, director, producer and release date for films I studied and used as inspiration for my Teaser Trailer

I used Google Images to find the images I used for my cinematography, lighting and poster inspiration

I also used Flickr to get images for inspiration

These were the media technologies I used to construct, research and plan for my teaser trailer.  To evaluate my work I used a video camera, written and typed questionaires and the internet (Blogger).

Thursday 24 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My poster has used forms and conventions of real media products through my inpiration for example;

My poster used the conventions of 'The Collector's' poster; the film title above the smaller film details at the bottom of the page, an image that links visually to my web-page and teaser trailer, like 'The Collector' does, the use of symmetry in the image and the writing from in the film/trailer at the top of the poster.

My web page has also taken forms of real media products from 'The Collector';

The use of the same image for both of my Ancillary texts was a form of real media conventions that 'The Collector's' poster and webpage was used as inspiration.  Again you can see the vast similarities between the two; having the image that is used on my poster as the background image, the little red web-page links, that like in my inspiration webpage, turns from red to white, having the production logos and names under the trailer instead of the film's name is the only way we challenged this example of a real media product: our web-page includes the teaser trailer of the advertised film on the web-page and we have used the image of the altar to have the film's name on, meaning we have the production logos and names under our trailer on the webpage.
Another example of how we used the conventions of real media products could be Joel Slar's 'convention of web-page design' theory:

I made my web-page and blog follow this model because it is the design template of almost every successful web-page or blog on the internet, having the most important aspects of a web-page located in the centre is key because the eye notices the centre of a page first.  Every post in my blog is in the centre, between links to other posts and general links, that are less important than the content of my posts deliberately following Joel Sklar's conventions of web-page design.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Web-page Design - Day 2

Today I used Photoshop to make some writing images which will be used to create interactive rollover images in Dreamweaver.  These rollover images will be used to represent links on our web-page, much like those on our inspiration web-page:
I also used Photoshop to create a 'Nest of Devils' image to use as a banner under the links.
All that is left to add to the web-page is our poster as a background image and our video in the centre of the image.
We have used the poster as the background of our webpage so the poster and web-page (our two ancillary texts) link together and show a proffessional similarity.

Micro Elements

Micro Elements in film makign are the smaller, more noticable things, eg, Mise-En-Scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing.
We aimed to show a high level of understanding in each of these aspects of film.
Mise-En-Scene - We wanted each of our scenes to include something important to the initial film idea, for example: The establishing shots ie.

The shots like this one in the trailer are used to represent a desolate village with an almost 'extinct' population.

The shots of the Altar and the Confessional booth are used to give the scene an added religious horror feel.

The final shots, black and white stabbing montage, are in black and white for two reasons; one to show that it is a flashback and the other to convey a Chiaroscuro effect to end the trailer.

Cinematography - We aimed to achieve shots that have been frammed in a way that produces a symmetrical effect on screen:

This is the Altar used in the trailer during the day. We was inspired to use this effect from watching 'The Shining':

Sound - The sound we used is what makes our teaser trailer as effective as it is, this is because the music we found from non-copyright sound websites and homemade youtube videos fit perfectly with all of our scenes and at some points during the trailer there are 3 or 4 different sound clips all playing at once to get the intended response.

Editing - The editing was the most fun part of the creation of our teaser trailer, being able to change the length, lighting and order of shots as well as adding sound gave our teaser trailer a huge amount of potential.  Because of the editing, we had the ability to shape our shots around our narrative.

Macro Elements

The Macro Elements in film-making are the big aspects, eg. Genre and Narrative.
The genre of our film is Horror and is made scary by the shots and sound used.  It is also given a scary feel by the religious aspect we have included; being filmed mostly in a church and having crucifix, altar and prayer bench shots, our trailer is given a religious spook.