Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your Audience Feedback?

Video feedback:
(Survey at bottom of post)

Questionaire feedback:

Social (network) feedback:
From these video interviews and questionaires I have seen how far my original ideas for the teaser trailer were portrayed to the audience and how my ancillary texts link effectively to my main task.  I planned to produce a teaser trailer of a horror movie that includes a 'religious twist' to add suspence and give it 'further' horror status; my audience feedback has shown me that I have conveyed what I intended through the audience being given an extra sense of fright by the religious shots of the crucifixs, the altar, the confessions box and the body being dragged up the church isle along with the sound that plays and changes throughout to accompany each scene.

Through the audience feedback I learned the genre of 'Horror' is built up in my trailer through the sound and the transitions between shots; the way the cuts are at times fast while at other times slower and how the tempo in sound appears to follow these changes in pace creates a very 'eerie' and 'suspenseful' teaser trailer.

Target Audience:
Using family, friends and teachers from Parliament Hill, William Ellis and La Sainte Union school, I constructed a survey asking 50 people of different age groups whether or not they would go to see my 'religious horror' fil idea; the results are as follows:

40 out of the 50 people I asked said they would go and see the film after watching the teaser trailer; this survey shows that 71% of the 40 people that would go and see the film were between the ages of 25 and 45.  I believe this is because of the religious aspects of the trailer, making the film more suitable to those with an interest in religion, this survey has created a target audience of those between 25 and 45 years of age.

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