Tuesday 5 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This post shows the media technologies I used to research and plan my tearer trailer.
I used Youtube to get my Teaser Trailer and Trailer inspiration videos


iMovie is the software we are using to upload, arrange and edit our footage as well as uploading and using sound for our teaser trailer.  We have found several aspects that we could not handle too easily but after trying different things, fixed our problems.  Some examples of difficulties we found are:
  • Fades - choosing a length, this was fixed because we found that the length of a fade can only be as long as the clips either side of it.
  • Shortening clips - in order to shorten a clip a substantual amount you will need to shorten if from either side, beginning and end, only doing so from one of the sides wil result in a limit to which you can shorten a clip.
  • Tweo pieces of sound at one time - When uploading a second piece of sound u can only add it before or after an existing sound clip, in order to make two sounds play during the same time u need to upload a second sound file then drag it over the already uploaded sound file.
I used Macromedia Dreamweaver MX in year twelve to create a preliminary webpage and a final task webpage, this was incredibly helpful when using the software because I didn't have to spend time learning how to use it, I just got straight on with creating the trailer's webpage.
I made the background black, then created a layer in order to insert a picture of a church as a background image, this was fitting because most of our trailer takes place in a church.  I then created a Production Logo to insert next to a Restricted sign for the bottom of my webpage to make it look more professional.

We will be using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 to create our teaser trailer's poster, our knowledge of the programme is sufficient because our group is familiar with the programme, due to using it in other creative aspects of our Media Studies AS and A2 Course.

Adobe Photoshop is a joy to work with because of the massive changes u can make to images by click of a button, there are many editing aspects that have made our work what it is, these are:
  • The ability to change/edit lighting
  • The ability to blur, make transparent and merge images
  • The ability to crop and add images to create a desired effect
Each of these aspects of Photoshop made our poster and web-page as effective as they are; the lighting, transparency and faded images are all edited to create a more eerie feel that the original images give off.  Creating a web-page and poster to fit a Horror teaser trailer is difficult because, for them to be as proffessional as possible, you need to get the same response from each of them as you do from your trailer, that is where Photoshop excelled and made that possible for my group.

I used IMDb, International Movie Database, to find out relevant information such as, casting, director, producer and release date for films I studied and used as inspiration for my Teaser Trailer

I used Google Images to find the images I used for my cinematography, lighting and poster inspiration

I also used Flickr to get images for inspiration


These were the media technologies I used to construct, research and plan for my teaser trailer.  To evaluate my work I used a video camera, written and typed questionaires and the internet (Blogger).

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