Wednesday 19 January 2011

Micro Elements

Micro Elements in film makign are the smaller, more noticable things, eg, Mise-En-Scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing.
We aimed to show a high level of understanding in each of these aspects of film.
Mise-En-Scene - We wanted each of our scenes to include something important to the initial film idea, for example: The establishing shots ie.

The shots like this one in the trailer are used to represent a desolate village with an almost 'extinct' population.

The shots of the Altar and the Confessional booth are used to give the scene an added religious horror feel.

The final shots, black and white stabbing montage, are in black and white for two reasons; one to show that it is a flashback and the other to convey a Chiaroscuro effect to end the trailer.

Cinematography - We aimed to achieve shots that have been frammed in a way that produces a symmetrical effect on screen:

This is the Altar used in the trailer during the day. We was inspired to use this effect from watching 'The Shining':

Sound - The sound we used is what makes our teaser trailer as effective as it is, this is because the music we found from non-copyright sound websites and homemade youtube videos fit perfectly with all of our scenes and at some points during the trailer there are 3 or 4 different sound clips all playing at once to get the intended response.

Editing - The editing was the most fun part of the creation of our teaser trailer, being able to change the length, lighting and order of shots as well as adding sound gave our teaser trailer a huge amount of potential.  Because of the editing, we had the ability to shape our shots around our narrative.

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