Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We have made our main task and ancillary texts all as similar as possible; we have done this by making the poster out of edited screencaps from the trailer, and the web-page having the poster's image in the background.  This is very important because it shows proffessionality and by having them all similar looking they give off the same feel, for example, our trailer has aspects of 'religious horror' and our poster and webpage echo this effect.
Trailer Screencaps:



The shot used for the web-page is the same as the image used in our poster, this is a shot of the altar which is used in our trailer.  Our poster and web-page are both made with a main colour of red, this is used to emphasise the 'horror' genre, red being associated with blood and violence.
Our trailer is mainly filmed in a church, therefore giving it an added 'religious horror' effect; this gives our trailer an 'added spook' due to the religious aspects in it.

Due to the use of imagery throughout my Ancillary texts (web-page and poster) and Main product (teaser trailer) they are linked conceptually as they all share a very similar visual appearance.

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