Wednesday 19 January 2011

Web-page Design - Day 2

Today I used Photoshop to make some writing images which will be used to create interactive rollover images in Dreamweaver.  These rollover images will be used to represent links on our web-page, much like those on our inspiration web-page:
I also used Photoshop to create a 'Nest of Devils' image to use as a banner under the links.
All that is left to add to the web-page is our poster as a background image and our video in the centre of the image.
We have used the poster as the background of our webpage so the poster and web-page (our two ancillary texts) link together and show a proffessional similarity.

Micro Elements

Micro Elements in film makign are the smaller, more noticable things, eg, Mise-En-Scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing.
We aimed to show a high level of understanding in each of these aspects of film.
Mise-En-Scene - We wanted each of our scenes to include something important to the initial film idea, for example: The establishing shots ie.

The shots like this one in the trailer are used to represent a desolate village with an almost 'extinct' population.

The shots of the Altar and the Confessional booth are used to give the scene an added religious horror feel.

The final shots, black and white stabbing montage, are in black and white for two reasons; one to show that it is a flashback and the other to convey a Chiaroscuro effect to end the trailer.

Cinematography - We aimed to achieve shots that have been frammed in a way that produces a symmetrical effect on screen:

This is the Altar used in the trailer during the day. We was inspired to use this effect from watching 'The Shining':

Sound - The sound we used is what makes our teaser trailer as effective as it is, this is because the music we found from non-copyright sound websites and homemade youtube videos fit perfectly with all of our scenes and at some points during the trailer there are 3 or 4 different sound clips all playing at once to get the intended response.

Editing - The editing was the most fun part of the creation of our teaser trailer, being able to change the length, lighting and order of shots as well as adding sound gave our teaser trailer a huge amount of potential.  Because of the editing, we had the ability to shape our shots around our narrative.

Macro Elements

The Macro Elements in film-making are the big aspects, eg. Genre and Narrative.
The genre of our film is Horror and is made scary by the shots and sound used.  It is also given a scary feel by the religious aspect we have included; being filmed mostly in a church and having crucifix, altar and prayer bench shots, our trailer is given a religious spook.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Trailer Upload

We have uploaded our trailer onto youtube to get some feedback; we will be posting our feedbacl to our blogs to show what people think about the teaser trailer.

Monday 17 January 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products - Web-Page Inspiration

This is my web-page inspiration, I like it because it uses the movie's poster as the background and is simple but effective.  I am going to use my groups poster as the background for my website like this site has.

The red writing at the bottom goes white when u put the mouse over it, I find this really effective and am going to encorperate something very similar on my web-page.
The symmetry in the background and the black in the photo and outter website is very effective and makes it feel like a horror movies web-page due to the darkness, my group feel that we should follow this example.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Joel Sklar's Web Design Theory

Joel Sklar's theory on web design teaches that a web-page viewer's eyes will automaticall botice and read the writing/images located in the center of the page.  Because of this me and my group have placed the most important part of our poster, web-page and blog in the centre of the screen.

This is a copy of Sklar's model of impotance; he felt that the viewer's eyes would look to the parts on a web-page in the numbered order.  Because of this I have layed my blog out so that my writing and images  are located towards the centre of the page.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Editing - Day 5

Today we watched our trailer a few times and found that we needed to change the sound at the begining, we took away the slow, mellow sound we had and replaced it with a piece of sound that we felt matched our opening scenes; a much more gory sound that made the opening of our trailer a lot more 'horror-like'.  This sound can be described as a long drone-like sound and we found this fitting because it acts as an opening that compliments our text scenes and slow shots; as the shots get faster, the music rises in tempo with them.

We have now finished our teaser trailer and are going to finish our web-page and begin poster design.