Friday 10 December 2010

Webpage Design - Day 1

Today I decided to begin making the teaser trailer's webpage using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.  I have had experience using this software in year 12 during AS Media Studies coursework, I created a website for both the Preliminary task and Final task.  I made the background black and included a black and white image of a church, I done this because the teaser trailer takes place in a church and has several shots in a sequence of fast cuts linkgin to religion, ie. a crucifix, an alter and a prayer bench.
I have added a 'Restricted' notice at the bottom to make the website seem more professional and also because it is a horror movie trailer we are making.
Another picture I added was a production company logo I made this lesson using Adobe Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop is the programme we are going to use to create our teaser trailer's poster.

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