Thursday 16 December 2010

Editing - Day 4

Today we changed the sound through the beginning of the trailer to match the new sequence of our shots.  We changed around our shots to make the fast cuts run more smoothly and doing so allowed us to make room for credit screens that give the trailer it's narrative, something it hugely lacked before.
Our credit screens were typed using the font American Typewriter, this font, when used in the trailer, looked the most professional of all the fonts we tested.
The sound in the beginning of the group trailer is slow and fots in with the early shots, it builds in tempo to a dramatic climax towards the latter stages of the trailer with the highest energy shots being located at the end.
At the end of our trailer we have included, "Nest of Devils", our film's name, this makes the trailer look more proffessional.
We are very close to finishing the trailer and making a start on our poster as well as completeing our web-page; all we have left to do is find and add a restricted logo or 'over 18' sign to our trailer because it is a horror movie.

Friday 10 December 2010

Webpage Design - Day 1

Today I decided to begin making the teaser trailer's webpage using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.  I have had experience using this software in year 12 during AS Media Studies coursework, I created a website for both the Preliminary task and Final task.  I made the background black and included a black and white image of a church, I done this because the teaser trailer takes place in a church and has several shots in a sequence of fast cuts linkgin to religion, ie. a crucifix, an alter and a prayer bench.
I have added a 'Restricted' notice at the bottom to make the website seem more professional and also because it is a horror movie trailer we are making.
Another picture I added was a production company logo I made this lesson using Adobe Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop is the programme we are going to use to create our teaser trailer's poster.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Editing - Day 3

Today we added some sound to our trailer, some parts we found to be highly effective due to the tempo and volume of the sound fitting into the clips we had.  We got a basic set up of the scenes and sound to go with them but soon realise dthe pace of the trailer was too slow.  This led to us drastically shortening the clips we are using, add more fast cuts with extra shots and changing the sequence of our layout.  After doing these things we added the music back that fits into our major scenes.  The lesson cosisted of constant the shortening of clips, rearranging of clips as well as choosing and changing the sound.  We moved a mantage of a killing flashback to the end because it will end the trailer on a high and the music we have to go with the scene is very effective.  We cganged the length and order of our clips because we felt that an effective teaser trailer should be short, fast and precise.  After applying the changes we made, our trailer was looking a lot faster and much more professional.
The only problem we found we had was that the trailer lacks narrative, the music, collection of shots, and pace was very good, but watching the trailer our teacher and classmates found they did not really know what was going on.  We came to the conclusion that we will add some voice overs during the shots with slower music to give the audience a better idea on whats going on.  We came to this conlusion because we think a voiceover will be more effective and professional than black credit screens.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Editing - Day 2

After adding some of the shots in our trailer last lesson, this lesson we just need to continue getting the footage in order so we could begin editing and cropping scenes to suit the trailer, now we need to get a soundtrack and multiple noises that will suit and compliment our teaser trailer.
One of our scenes is a stabbing flashback, shown through a series of very fast cuts (we used very fast fades because we felt it made them fit together better), we have the scene in black and white and found that the way the fades are timed to be very helpful; the shorter the clips around a fade, the shorter the fade.  This made, because the clips in the flashback stabbing were very short, the fades snappy.  We got this idea of a scene from a trailer for Halloween:

At 1:36 of that video you see Michael Myers stabbing someone from three different angles in fast cuts, this was my inspiration to film this flashback scene in our teaser trailer in that way.  This scene is in a Halloween 2 trailer on youtube which has been taken off, that's how I found this inspirational clip but am unable to embed it in my trailer inspiration post.